How to add new content:
  1. Log into your WordPress website.
  2. If you are adding your content via a new Post: Click on Post > Add New. Add in your new content, including a Title. If applicable, in the Categories section (right column) select appropriate Categories for the post. Either:
People also ask
How do I import an article into WordPress?

On the “What do you want to do?” screen, choose the “Import content only” option.

Drag your . xml or . ...
Wait a few moments for the file to finish uploading.
You'll be asked to reassign the authors of the imported items to an existing user on the new site. Choose your username here. ...
Click the “Start Import” button.
Can I write articles on WordPress?
If you're a writer or blogger or just want to learn more about the finer aspects of writing in WordPress, this guide will show you how to write articles, blog posts, and other text content in the WordPress editor.
How do I add a blog to my WordPress website?

5 easy steps for adding a blog to your WordPress site

Publish a new home page and a blog page in WordPress.
Navigate to 'Settings' and choose 'Reading. '
Customize your blog settings in the 'Reading' section.
Add your new blog page to your main navigation menu.
Publish your first post.
How do I add content to my WordPress site?
Click on the + block inserter icon to add new content, or click on any block to edit existing content (learn how to use the WordPress editor here!)
Let's learn. While there are multiple ways to accomplish this task, let's learn the most basic one by creating a Posts Page and adding a Query Loop block to it.
Dec 3, 2021 · In the upper right corner of the page, you'll see the "Publish" option. Use the "Preview" function beforehand to check if everything looks okay ...
Feb 22, 2021 · I have an article on another website that I'd like to have appear on my site – on my page with all my other posts.
Look for the “Posts” item in the sidebar, and click on it. Then click “Add New”. This is where you will create your WordPress article. Next, fill in the ...
Mar 18, 2022 · 1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard. · 2. Go to Posts. Select Add New. Adding new article to WordPress · 3. Enter your blog title on the ...
Nov 20, 2021 · 1. Open your WordPress site in a browser. · 2. Click the "Posts" menu item at the top of the screen. · 3. Click the "Add New" button. · 4. In the " ...
May 13, 2013 · You have to create a new blank page called 'blog' (or anything really). Then go to Settings > Reading and check your settings under Front page ...
To access your WordPress Dashboard, you first need to log in. · Go to Posts on the left side on the navigation menu. · Select Add New. · Use the screen provided to ...
Create a New Post · Visit your dashboard. · Click on Posts on the left side. · Click on the “Add new post” button. · Give your post a title by typing it in the box ...