Jonathan Franzen torna amb vigor renovat sobre els temes que sempre l'han ocupat: el ser humà i la literatura «El David i jo teníem una amistat feta de comparacions, contrastos i (d'una manera fraternal) competicions.
... invitation is slighted , and he is disap- pointed in his expectations of ... in author- formidable , and in most cases would have been insurmountable ... invited , friends of the bride and bride- | them , they consented , on ...
... invitation is slighted , and he is disap- pointed in his expectations of receiving a present . The rich , and those in author- ity , are almost the only persons who make a gain by this practice . A short time ago the head man of this ...
... invitation is slighted , and he is disap- pointed in bis expectations of receiving a present . The rich , and those in author- ity , are almost the only persons who make a gain by this practice . A short time ago the head man of this ...
... in author Ta - Nehisi Coates's " letter " to his son in which he observes ... slights , injustices , and outright prejudices that they encounter . On the ... invite audience members to don the flesh of another person and role ...
"La nova novel·la de Jonathan Franzen, igual que la seva novel·la anterior, Les correccions, és una obra mestra de la ficció americana. Llibertat és una obra encara més rica i més profunda".
... invites us to put all our T. S. Good - We do not recollect to have would ... slighted CLYTIE . May minstrel look In the excessive flight of fancy now be ... in Author of the splendid work on the History some early Numbers of the ...
El llibre de memòries íntim, poderós i inspirador de l'ex-primera dama dels Estats Units. Protagonista d'una vida plena i d'èxit, Michelle Obama ha esdevingut una de les dones més icòniques i captivadores de la nostra era.
Les últimes classes de Morrie ensenyaran a Mitch el valor de les paraules, la riquesa de les emocions i el plaer de la ironia, però, sobretot, la dignitat de què es pot ser capaç davant de l'adversitat.