George Bull (25 March 1634 – 17 February 1710) was an English theologian and Bishop of St David's. George Bull. Bishop of St David's.
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What is George Bull known for?
George Bull was an author and journalist who translated six volumes for the Penguin Classics: Benvenuto Cellini's Autobiography, The Book of the Courtier by Baldesar Castiglione, Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists (two volumes), The Prince by Machiavelli, and Pietro Aretino's Selected Letters.
George Bull OBE KCSG FRSL (23 August 1929 – 6 April 2001) was an English translator, author and journalist. George Bull. Born, (1929-08-23)23 August 1929.
George Bull was an author and journalist who translated six volumes for the Penguin Classics: Benvenuto Cellini's Autobiography, The Book of the Courtier by ...
George Bull va ser un teòleg anglès i bisbe de St David's. Viquipèdia (anglès)
Naixement: 25 de març del 1634, Wells, Regne Unit
Defunció: 17 de febrer del 1710, Sir Frycheiniog
Llibres: Georgii Bulii,... Opera omnia..., Defensio Fidei Nicaenae: A Defense of the Nicene Creed, Out of the Extant Writings of the Catholick Doctors, Who Flourished During the Three First Centuries of the Christian Church; in Which Also Is Incidentally Vindicated the Creed of Constantinople;, The Fathers Vindicated: Or, Animadversions on a Late Socinian Book [by Thomas Smallbroke] Entitul'd, The Judgment of the Fathers Touching the Trinity, Against Doctor Bull's Defence of the Nicene Faith [i.e. "Defensio Fidei Nicænæ" by G. Bull, Bishop of Saint David's]. By a Presbyter of the Church of England [identified by a MS. Note in this Copy As: J. Deacon, Nonjuror]. i més
Educació: Exeter College
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135 free public domain works of George Bull via Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL), a database of digital books ca. 1500-1800.
Results · The Prince (Penguin Classics) · The Prince (Penguin Classics) · The Lives of the Artists Volume 1 · The Lives of the Artists Volume 1 · Lives of the ...
14 d’ag. 2024 · This charismatic former Coldstream Guards officer combined a formidable presence with the strongest loyalty to his causes.
He was awarded an OBE in 1990. George Bull was made Knight Commander of the Order of St Gregory in 1999, and was awarded the order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold ...
Some important points of Primitive Christianity maintained and defended: In several sermons and other discourses: by George Bull.
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George Bull's theological work was often controversial, and Bull pushed his readers to deeply consider the idea and manifestation of the Trinity.
Inside the Vatican and more by George Bull. Find the best selection and prices on new, used, and collectible books from independent booksellers worldwide.
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