Charles Chapman Grafton SSJE (April 12, 1830 – August 30, 1912) was the second Episcopal Bishop of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
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Grafton, Charles Chapman ... (Apr. 12, 1830-Aug. 30. 1912). Co-founder of the Society of St. John the Evangelist and Anglo-catholic bishop. He was born in Boston.
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Charles Chapman Grafton, 1830-1912. The Sermon delivered by the Rt. Rev. William E. McLaren, DD, Bishop of Chicago at the Decennary of the Rt. Rev. CC Grafton.
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I have chosen these selections from the eight-volume collected works with an eye for the unity of Grafton's life and thought.
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17 d’ag. 2023 · In his spiritual memoir, A Journey Godward of a Servant of Jesus Christ, Bishop Charles Grafton (1830-1912) recounts facing the final doubt on ...
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29 de juny 2019 · Charles Chapman Grafton (b. April 12, 1830 - d. August 30, 1912) was the second Bishop of the Diocese of Fond du Lac. Born in Boston, Massachusetts.
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It was like a thunderbolt out of the blue. I had visited a parish in Fond du Lac diocese one summer, taking supply work, and had stayed a few weeks at Nashotah.
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30 d’ag. 2024 · Charles Chapman Grafton, Bishop of Fond du Lac, and Ecumenist, 1912. August 30 or [Common of a Pastor] [For the Ministry II] [For the Unity of the Church]
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Introduction. This document is a supplement to the book Pioneering Women in American. Mathematics: The Pre-1940s PhD's, published by the American ...