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inauthor: Alexander McCaul de
Graeme Laurie, Shawn Harmon, John Kenyon Mason, Gerard Porter, Alexander McCall Smith. the conclusion follows ... In author- ising this the High Court not only endorsed the pre- existing position under Bland, but went further in ...
inauthor: Alexander McCaul de
Kenyon Mason, Graeme Laurie, Alexander McCall Smith. her as suffering ' a living death ' and was unable to accept ... In author- ising this the High Court not only endorsed the pre - existing position under Bland , but went further ...
inauthor: Alexander McCaul de
... (in author's collection). 73. Letter, James V. Kruse to Jack H. McCall, Sr., Feb. 16, 1985. CHaPter 7 1. See page ... Alexander, A Fellowship of Valor, 222; Rottman and Chappell, Fighting Elite, 28, 30. Muster Roll of Officers and ...
inauthor: Alexander McCaul de
Jeffrey Eugenides demostra altra vegada la seva capacitat per aprofundir en la complexitat de les relacions humanes en aquesta col·lecció de contes.
inauthor: Alexander McCaul de
... Alexander . " Books . " McCall's , Dec. 1932 , pp . 20 , 56 . " Reading and Writing . ” McCall's , Sept. 1931 , pp . 2 , 41 ; Oct. 1931 , pp . 22 , 138 ; Dec. 1931 , pp . 17 , 53 . " WOR Starts Radio Book Program . " Publishers ' Weekly ...
inauthor: Alexander McCaul de
... ALEXANDER , Author of " Her Dearest Foe , " " Which Shall It Be ? " & c . In ... MCCALL THEAL . -KAFFIR FOLK - TALES , collected during a Residence of Twenty ... IN Author of " A Ride to Khiva , " " On Horseback through Asia ...
inauthor: Alexander McCaul de
Una deliciosa novel·la que barreja suspens, saboroses receptes i amor a la Sud-àfrica rural.
inauthor: Alexander McCaul de
L'Elf i la Yoli són dues germanes intel·ligents i ben avingudes.