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English Literature and the Industrialization of Publishing, 1800-1850 Lee Erickson. A Guide to All the Watering and Sea - Bathing Places . London ... Stanhope and the Oxford University Press . Ed . James Mos- ley . London : Printing ...
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El magnífic debut de Jessie Burton és una novel·la històrica absorbent de suspens embriagador que ja ha captivat milers de lectors: la revelació literària de l’any al Regne Unit.
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... London , W. Sheppard's Counterparts , or Cross of Love Rumour Maraham's ... England's Memoriall . 1669 Welde's Short Story of the Rise , Reigne , Vol ... ( Stanhope ) Reminiscences Summer's Vacation Washbourne , R. & T. , 4 ...
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... press ; and there is nearly ready for publication a new Map of India , engraving by John Walker , on 4 large sheets ... England and the Dissenters original contributions in Pruse and Poetry from several popular VI . American ...
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Truslove & Hanson , 158 Street , London , W. Browne's Chaucer's England , 2 vols ... in Ruegen . 1904 . As new . 2s . 6d . Balfour's Foundations of Belief ... Publishers ' Columns 1906 279 Sept. 1 , 1906 The Publishers ' Circular.
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... London , W. Sheppard's Counterparts , or Cross of Love Rumour Marsham's ... England's Memoriall . 1669 Welde's Short Story of the Rise , Reigne , and ... ( Stanhope ) Reminiscences Summer's Vacation Washbourne , R. & T. , 4 ...
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... PRESS . Early next week will be published , In Five Acts . London : Longman and Co. Works recently published by J ... Stanhope Dodd , M. A. Rector of Penshurst , Kent , and Chaplain in Ordinary to the King . 8vo . 10s . 6d ...
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... London and elsewhere . Money Advanced upon Duplicate Portions of Booksellers ' Stock , upon Libraries , and Literary Property in General . BOOKS IN THE PRESS ... Stanhope Dodd , M.A. Rector of Penshurst , Kent , and Chaplain in Ordinary ...
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Els dies que vindran és ple d’amors il·lícits –entre antics enemics, per un país i un règim derrocat–, i això és el que han de fer les bones novel·les: posar a prova les lleialtats i les consciències.» Literary Review
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... PRESS . Early next week will be published , In Five Acts . ALLACE ; a Historical London : Longman and Co. Tragedy . LINGARD'S ENGLAND ... Stanhope Dodd , M.A. Reator of Penshurst , Kent , and Chaplain in Ordinary to the King . 8vo , 10s ...