bibliogroup:"A Pueblo book" de
While written as a companion to standard works in the field, beginning with graduate students in liturgy and seminarians, this book is intended for all - pastors, liturgists, catechists, religious educators - who seek to live according to ...
bibliogroup:"A Pueblo book" de
This edition also includes new findings from some of the recently discovered sermons of Augustine and incorporates new perspectives from recent research on early Christian biblical interpretation, debates on the Trinity, the evolution of ...
bibliogroup:"A Pueblo book" de
A simple look at the universality of love.
bibliogroup:"A Pueblo book" de
In this definitive work, Thomas Talley draws on al the resources of historical scholarship to examine and unravel the complications brought to liturgical time by the blending of local traditions.
bibliogroup:"A Pueblo book" de
Revisiting the theology of baptism, this edition also provides more nuanced positions on the Eastern and Western traditions.
bibliogroup:"A Pueblo book" de
Old Testament Sacrifices and Ritual Meal --The Origin of the Christian Eucharist --From the Jewish Liturgy to the Christian Eucharist --Primitive Anaphoras: From the Didache to the Mystical Eucharist --Primitive Anaphoras: Developments of ...
bibliogroup:"A Pueblo book" de
St. Augustine (354-430), a theologian whose views and controversies shaped the course of Christianity in the West, was also a struggling North African pastor who had a flair for teaching and who meditated deeply on the complexities of the ...
bibliogroup:"A Pueblo book" de
This title is an introduction to Western liturgical resources and a synthesis of their history for more than a millennium.
bibliogroup:"A Pueblo book" de
Making the book especially teacher- and student-friendly are the summary points at the end of each chapter. Each chapter also contains an abundance of liturgical texts for ease of reference.
bibliogroup:"A Pueblo book" de
" What is needed and what the author offers here is that "good understanding" of the meaning and value of the Mass. After examining its historical development, Professor Adam explains each part of the Mass as it is currently celebrated.